Meeting an Angel Face-to-Face


The x-mas spirit lives inside all of us, ya just have to find your inner santa!

I’m still convinced that around this time last year I met an angel, so here’s my holiday cheer story

One morning when I was almost at work my “low fuel” light turned on. I thought, “I’ll get gas after work – no big deal.” Well things are never easy, are they?

After work I decided to risk it and try making it to the gas station that’s on my way home at the Lake Forest Oasis, as opposed to the one a minute away and around the block from work. I made it there, but I could tell my little ol’ car was struggling. I pulled into the parking lot and maneuvered to a newly opened pump and quickly realized, naturally, this one was out of service. I tried turning around but because there were so many cars the only option was to leave the parking lot. Thinking I could easily turn left out of the gas station and then turn right back in, I didn’t see anything wrong with that.

As I was attempting to pull out, a few cars honked at me. I realized it was a one way and there was no chance of me proceeding that direction. I turned right and found myself in the parking lot of the oasis with no clear way to get back to the gas station because of the one way street. My car had beeped a few times really reminding me I better get gas, and quick. Don’t you think it could tell I was trying? Not to mention I only had this car for about three months and wasn’t quite sure how far it could drive on such low fuel.

After panicking (and FaceTiming Korey), we decided that the best move was to buy a little gas tank, miserably fill it up, walk it over to my car and then try making it to the next gas station, which was maybe ten minutes away.

I went into the gas station market and bought my eleven dollar gas tank. As I was standing outside planning my next move and panicking some more about what to do, a VERY NICE older gentleman approached me and said, “Excuse me, is your car sitting somewhere out of gas?” To which I replied, “Well, kind of. You see…”

He asked me to show him where my car was, so I did. It really wasn’t that far, but it would require a little bit of illegal driving. He looked at me and said, “Listen, pull your car around to here. When I see you, I’ll start stopping traffic so you can drive by. When there’s no cars coming, come this way because that means I’m stopping them all.”


I rolled down my window to thank him as I was driving past him and he said “Okay, drive safe now!”

That’s the story of how I met an angel, and you can’t convince me otherwise. I don’t know where he came from, or where he went after he helped me, but I hope he has a happy, healthy holiday this year and every year to come. To whoever’s brother, husband, dad, friend, coworker etc. saved my day — Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

🌈To top it all off as I was continuing on my way, a rainbow appeared in the sky above me. If you know me, you know my guardian angel is a hard worker, and I think it’s clear she was working overtime today. Thanks girl! 😇

Small acts of kindness go a long way, okay! I’m still feeling very grateful from this stranger’s gesture!

Do you have a story that might spread some holiday cheer? Share it in the comments!

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